General Practice Education Programme

This practice has been accredited by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners as a teaching practice for general practice registrars.  GP registrars are doctors who have already completed at least eight years of medical training and are going on to specialise in general practice.

They come to this practice for a six-month period to get practical experience under the supervision of Dr Chris Wong and Dr Joanna Lang.

Currently we do not have a registrar.

Patients may be offered an appointment with the registrar.  If you decide to consult with the registrar you are making an important contribution to the education of New Zealand doctors and we appreciate your support.  However, the choice to see the registrar is entirely voluntary and you are always free to see your own doctor if you prefer.

Your comments about the General Practice Education Programme are welcome directly to us or to:

The General Practice Education Programme.  The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners PO Box 10440, Wellington 6143